No news: You’re going to die one day.
- None of the things you are worried about right now is going to matter in the long-term. None.
- Anything that you own, will be gone as some point.
- Any experience that you have had and will have, will be only a memory. You can’t keep anything. Just memories.
- There is no such thing as legacy, because in a few generations nobody will care.
- You don’t believe it? Ok – tell me the name of just one Sumerian guy.
- It’s the earlist known civilization.
- They invented the wheel, plow and writing
- Invented canals and leeves to hold back the flooders for their farms/fields
- Sumerians were famous for making fine sculptures, jewelry, music, and art.
So, what’s my recommendation?
- Enjoy yourself.
- Don’t worry – be happy.
- Do something positive.
- Share love.
- Make someone else happy.
- Laugh every once in a while.
- Live in the moment.
- Read what you love, until you love reading.
- Find a job that feels like play to you.
Don’t take yourself too seriously.